Thursday, 27 May 2010

Hornby Flower Pixies

There aren't enough fan sites on the web for Hornby Flower Fairies! These little dolls were a staple of my childhood, and I have recently dusted them off and become dangerously obsessed. I adore the pixies! Was a doll ever cuter? Am I the only person who thinks their little outfits are the most adorable thing ever?

The little poser on the left is actually my Healing Pixie (you can tell from the blue eyes) but he's dressed here in my Elm Pixie outfit. They tend to fight over who gets to wear the most pink...

Susan Brewer has produced an excellent booklet on the history of these beautiful toys, catologuing as much of the collection as possible (available here), and has blogged about them here.

I am lucky enough to own one of the rare ones, the Holly Pixie, who seems to be worth a few bob. I would love to get my hands on a few of the others, but might have to be patient, and then pay a high price. A Strawberry Pixie recently went on Ebay for over £180!!!